A little about Divvynotes

About Us

Read more about us.

Hello! You want to learn a bit more about us? Well read on!

Why Divvynotes?

  • Divvynotes has a range of organizational features that allow users to easily navigate the website. During the submission process, the high school students will place their content under specific tags like ‘math’ or ‘physics.’ This way, we are able to facilitate the access of notes for everyone, saving time and reducing the frustration of sifting through physical notebooks or documents.
  • Additionally, modulators will check the content to make sure that the tags apply and everything else is in accordance to Divvynotes’ goals. 
  • Divvnotes syncs notes across multiple devices, making it easy to access and update notes from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. 
  • Divvynotes automatically saves changes and provides version control, ensuring that you can access previous versions of your notes and preventing data loss.
  • Divvynotes offers free resources, making us cost-effective compared to purchasing note packages from other websites.
  • By reducing the need for physical notebooks and paper, Divvynotes contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing paper waste.
  • Divvynotes offers accessibility features like speech to text search, making it easier for users with disabilities to create, access, and interact with notes, promoting inclusivity.
  • All the notes here are posted by students across our local community with community-oriented mindsets. 
  • Groups & Forums are among the core aspects of Divvynotes’ community-based content. You will hopefully find them useful in your search for resources, or if you wish, you can even give back to the community by posting your own notes, and answering others’ questions! All that is required is to start a discussion under the respective forum.


Recently, we’ve partnered with S&S Education and Skills College in Pakistan as well as UNICEF. Our partnership with the former was a great success as our founders introduced the site to the children in Pakistan through an informative presentation. Additionally, our members pre-recorded instructional videos on their own to be sent to the college. Topics ranged from any core subject and cultural differences to universal leisure activities such as ‘how to play soccer’.

Divvynotes sends all its resources to the education college. Students use our users’ note packages to catch up and learn new information on various subjects. It’s a way of developing global connections through education!

We are also partnered with the BC Children’s Hospital. Children in Oncology and other units have utilized our resources to learn while they undergo long-lasting infusions and treatment processes. With our accessibility features, Divvynotes makes sure that every child can easily use our website.

Plagiarism & Privacy Statement:

Divvynotes recognizes that academic notes take time and effort to perfect. We are vehemently against plagiarism and cheating. Our goal in spreading notes is to help give educational opportunities who are less fortunate and disabled and not to encourage falsification. 

Prior to using the content, users must agree to a ‘Terms and Conditions’ form. If you are found breaking conditions listed in the form, there will be repercussions.

Divvynotes additionally offers encryption and security features to protect your notes from unauthorized access. This is important for those sharing sensitive or confidential information.

One last thing! Make sure you invite your friends here! As a community-based content site, we advocate for collaboration.

Study on!

From, the Divvynotes Team