View our most frequently asked questions.

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Q: How do I post on Divvynotes?

A: All you have to do is register with an account. Once you get the activation email and have initiated your account, you should be good to go!

Please note that by registering an account you are agreeing to our No-Cheating Policy as well as our Terms and Conditions. Please familiarize yourself with our policies.

Q: What are these the functions I see on the top bar?

A: The functions you see are our Forums, Groups, and Members. In forums you can post any questions under their respective subjects. For Groups, we separate students in their respective schools! If you are part of a school that is not listed there, send an email to support@divvynotes.com to create a group for your school! And finally, the Members function is a roster of all registered users on Divvynotes who help with posting content and starting discussions.

Q: What type of content is allowed?

A: We do not approve of profane or other inappropriate content. We also forbid posting materials that relate to cheating. Please see our No-Cheating Policy for more details regarding that issue. Divvynotes has over a dozen modulators who constantly check over the content posted. If you are found to be violating one of our regulations, your access to our website will be terminated.

Q: I want to read the Terms and Conditions, because… why not?

A: Here you go.

Please email support@divvynotes.com for any further questions. Our response time is around a few hours.